Canada and the Global Economy

Alternatives to the Corporate Strategy for Globalization

by Robert Chodos, Rae Murphy, and Eric Hamovitch

In this book, Bob Chodos, Rae Murphy, and Eric Hamovitch consider the implications of globalization for Canada.
Economic integration is one of the key issues of the 1990s. In this book, Bob Chodos, Rae Murphy, and Eric Hamovitch consider the implications of globalization for Canada. While they believe the move to integration is inevitable, they argue for building alliances that are alternatives to the models offered by the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and GATT.

About the Authors

Robert Chodos

Robert Chodos
ROBERT CHODOS is an experienced author and translator who has published widely in the fields of Canadian business, politics, and transportation and of Quebec history. Among his most recent books are The Unmaking of Canada (1991), Lost in Cyberspace? (1997), and Paul Martin: A Political Biography (1998), all co-written with Rae Murphy and Eric Hamovitch, and all published by Lorimer.

Rae Murphy

RAE MURPHY is a retired professor of Canadian studies at Conestoga College in Kitchener, Ontario.

Eric Hamovitch

ERIC HAMOVITCH is a freelance writer based in Montreal.

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