Mary Alice Downie

MARY ALICE DOWNIE is a pioneering children’s author of historical fiction, folktales and picture books, and is the co-editor of the Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon award-winning book The Wind Has Wings. Mary Alice and husband John Downie also co-authored Honour Bound and Danger in Disguise. They live in Kingston, Ontario.

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  • Alison's Ghosts

    Alison is held captive by the powers of a mysterious pipe bowl belonging to a Mi"kmaq shaman. The bowl takes her back in time where she forms friendships with troubled ghosts. She must uncover the history of the pipe before she is consumed by the grim fate of the pipe's beholders.

    $8.95, Paperback
    Interest ages: 6-10
    Reading level: Grade 3
    Lexile Reading Level: 680L
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