Submission Guidelines

Lorimer is actively soliciting nonfiction manuscripts from Canadian authors. Our publishing program includes a variety of subjects that focus on projects related to Canada as a whole or to particular regions within Canada. More specifically, this includes:

  • Canadian history
  • Commentary on technology, international relations and other global topics from a Canadian perspective
  • Canadian business, economics, law, policy and/or politics
  • Social issues in Canada
  • Biographies of Canadians
  • Travel and adventure guides focused on Canadian places
  • Canadian regional nature guides

Authors are often subject experts but all titles are intended for the general reading public.

We recognize the role we play in amplifying voices of diverse backgrounds, and we are committed to publishing underrepresented voices. We encourage submissions by racialized and marginalized writers.

We are actively accepting new book proposals and will carefully consider all submissions that fall within our publishing mandate. Due to the large volume of submissions that we receive, we will respond only to those proposals that interest us.

When submitting a proposal, please include a cover letter describing your book idea, a brief outline (either an annotated table of contents or a chapter-by-chapter summary), a writing sample, a schedule for completion of your work, an estimate of its final word count, and your resume. Please allow several weeks for a response.

You can send your proposals digitally to: [email protected]

Or by snail mail to:

117 Peter Street, Suite 304

Toronto, ON

M5V 0M3

*please note that material submitted by mail will not be returned unless an addressed and stamped envelope is included with the package.

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