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  • The Trudeau Record: Promise and Performance

    An authoritative review of Justin Trudeau's tenure, with 25 independent experts weighing in on his promises and performance.

    $27.95, paperback
  • Share the Wealth!

    This book shows how Canada’s steadily increasing wealth — which has mostly gone to the top one per cent over the last 20 years — can be successfully taxed to pay for the social programs Canadians need and want, from pharmacare and child care to better care for the elderly to much lower costs for post-secondary students.

    $24.95, paperback
  • J.B. McLachlan: A Biography

    Agitator, educator, organizer, J.B. McLachlan led the coal miners of Nova Scotia in their struggles for union recognition, united them around ideas of industrial democracy and social reconstruction, and defended their cause in the labour wars of the 1920s.

    $27.95, paperback
  • Bethune

    Three of Norman Bethune's close Montreal friends and associates from the Thirties collaborated to write this informal portrait of Bethune during a critical and fascinating period of his life.
    $4.99, paperback
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