Family Violence: A Canadian Introduction

Second Edition

by Julianne Momirov and Ann Duffy

Family Violence is an unparalleled aid to understanding the nature and dimensions of this burgeoning social problem.

Family violence is hard for most people to understand. The fact that we are more likely to be killed or assaulted by family members than anyone else seems incredible. Yet for many Canadians the family is a dangerous place, far from the haven of love and security that we would like to believe.

In this book, sociologists Julianne Momirov and Ann Duffy explore the many forms that violence can take, from physical abuse to emotional deprivation. The victims, the theories, and the factors increasing risk are all clearly presented. Policies and programs which would address this issue -- from personal intervention to institutional reforms -- are also outlined.

This new edition incorporates up-to-date statistical information on the prevalence of family violence. It reports on recent initiatives to find more successful ways to respond to the needs of victims and to rehabilitate the perpetrators.

This is the definitive Canadian book for anyone wanting to learn more about this disturbing phenomenon.

About the Authors

Ann Duffy
Ann Duffy

ANN DUFFY teaches in the Department of Sociology at Brock University and is the author of several books and essays.


"This is the kind of book that should be compulsory reading for every family member in Canada...the content--and the very important questions it reaises about family violence--is an excellent step toward getting this topic out in the open where it belongs."
Trish Hennessy, Hamilton Spectator
"This clearly-written and jargon-free book will be of particular interest to students of sociology, women's studies, and psychology."
Anna Leslie, Canadian Book Review Annual
"This is a fascinating look at a situation that affects almost everyone in one way or another--as a family member or as a professional dealing with family violence."
Halifax Daily News

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