Grass Roots

by Heather Robertson

photographs by Myfanwy Phillips

This book is an account of four modern prairie towns, of farming in Western Canada, and also describes how the West was settled and how its small towns are being depopulated by the same external economic forces controlled from Eastern Canada.
Heather Robertson's classic account of life and death on the Canadian prairie was praised and reviled with equal vehemence when it first appeared: "a pack of lies" said one reviewer; "dynamite" said another.
Both her reporting and analysis are, in fact, explosive. The book offers intimate profiles of four modern prairie towns and of the immense difficulties faced by farmers in Western Canada. It offers sweeping descriptions of the forces that led to the settlement of the West, and examines how those same forces, controlled from eastern Canada, are causing the inexorable decline of many rural communities.
Grass Roots is a superb portrait of an imperilled way of life, combining economics, history and politics with a remarkable eye for storytelling.

About the Authors

Heather Robertson

HEATHER ROBERTSON is one of Canadas most accomplished and acclaimed authors. Her many books include Reservations are for Indians Grass Roots A Terrible Beauty and Willie: A Romance. Born in Winnipeg she has long lived in Toronto.'

Myfanwy Phillips

MYFANWY PHILLIPS is the author of The Children of Peace. Her photographs are also featured in Heather Robertsons Grass Roots.'

Subjects (BISAC)


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