The Niagara Escarpment

A Photographic Journey from Niagara Falls to Tobermory

by Sandy Bell (photographer), John MacRae (photographer), and Vic MacBournie (photographer)

With more than 100 beautiful colour photographs from dozens of communities in the Niagara Escarpment, this book will be savoured by all those who treasure this precious landscape.
With more than 100 beautiful colour photographs from dozens of communities, this book will be savoured by all those who treasure this precious landscape
The Niagara Escarpment stretches more than 700 kilometres from Niagara Falls, through Hamilton, to Tobermory on the tip of the Bruce Peninsula, before dipping under Georgian Bay. Designated a United Nations biosphere reserve in 1990, the meandering ridge is home to over 300 bird species and other wildlife, many of Ontario's rare plant species, and the oldest old-growth forest east of the Rocky Mountains. The Bruce Trail, the pre-eminent walking trail in southern Ontario, created by naturalists working with private landowners, now winds along its length.
The photographs of Sandy Bell, Vic MacBournie and John MacRae, taken from more than seventy points south to north, show the Escarpment in all its variety, moods and seasons. Providing background on the story of the protection of this precious landform -- and the continuing challenge of demands for resource extraction and urban expansion -- is an introductory essay by Joan Little, a resident and friend of the Escarpment who has worked with citizens and government to preserve its unique features.

About the Authors

SANDY BELL's photography has been featured in many magazines, brochures, advertisements and books such as Halton, Rising, Wild and Beckoning, and Hamilton, A New City for the Millennium. Sandy, his wife, Lou, and their three children reside in Burlington where they have lived in close proximity to the Niagara Escarpment for almost thirty years.


"will serve well as an introduction to the escarpment."
The Record

Subjects (BISAC)


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