The World Trade Organization

A Citizen's Guide

by James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers

The World Trade Organization: A Citizen's Guide offers an independent view of WTO actions in areas ranging from agriculture and the environment to labour and culture, tracing how it promotes the interests of global corporations at the expense of citizens.
Citizens of Canada and of nations around the world have felt the sting of WTO policies and decisions in fields as diverse and pervasive as labour rights, environmental protection and public health.
So it's not surprising that whenever politicians and government officials gather to negotiate new trade deals, ordinary citizens gather to protest. Is the WTO really a threat to Canadians? This book offers an informed account of what the WTO is and how it is using its extraordinary powers to supervise and overrule the actions of national governments.
The World Trade Organization: A Citizen's Guide offers an independent view of WTO actions in areas ranging from agriculture and the environment to labour and culture, tracing how it promotes the interests of global corporations at the expense of citizens.

About the Author

STEVEN SHRYBMAN is an Ottawa-based lawyer who practices international trade law with the firm Sack Goldblatt Mitchell. The former Executive Director of the West Coast Environmental Law Association, he has written extensively on a variety of legal and environmental subjects.


"Steve Shrybman has an unparalleled ability to convert the obscure jargon of international trade agreements into a language that allows people to grasp their profound impact on the environment and on the social, economic and cultural fabric of our communities."
Maude Barlow
"Shrybman does a good job of laying out his argument, explaining succinctly how the trade body works and the power of enforcement mechanisms."
Susan Noakes, Toronto Star
"The strength of Shrybman's book is in the specifics. Supporters of free trade should read this book. They'll never look at the WTO in the same way again."
Charlie Smith, Georgia Straight

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