You’ve got ten minutes to get that flag down…

Proceedings of The Halifax Conference:A National Forum on Canadian Cultural Policy

introduction by Malcolm Ross

edited by Harry Bruce

With contributions from John Ralston Saul, Rick Salutin, David Suzuki and many others, "You've got ten minutes to get that flag down..." is a vivid, immediate report on the state of Canadian culture in the mid-1980s.
First published in 1986, this volume presents the proceedings of a Conference organized by the Nova Scotia Coalition on Arts and Culture in response to massive government cuts in funding to the arts in preceding years.
In the words of the editor, distinguished scholar Malcolm Ross, it "should be read as an Open Letter--to the artistic community, of course, but also to the wider public, the audiences, to those allies whose support is essential in ensuring the future of the arts in Canada, perhaps in ensuring the future of Canada."
With contributions from John Ralston Saul, Rick Salutin, David Suzuki and many others, "You've got ten minutes to get that flag down..." is a vivid, immediate report on the state of Canadian culture in the mid-1980s.

About the Authors

Harry Bruce
Harry Bruce

HARRY BRUCE is a Nova Scotian freelance journalist and author.



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