Elaine Slavens

ELAINE SLAVENS is the former Consultant of Guidance and Social/Personal Skills for the Toronto District School Board and was previously Conflict Resolution Advisor for the Toronto Board of Education. This book reflects her deep and sympathetic understanding of young people and her experience with issues of conflict in school settings. The Deal With It Series helps adolescents cope with conflicts in everyday life and aims to promote peaceful homes, schools, and communities.

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  • Bullying Deal With It

    Everyone has suffered from bullying at some time in their lives. This book explains how to identify it and gain the skills to deal with it.

    $24.95, Hardcover
    Interest ages: 9+
    Reading level: Grade 5
  • Arguing Deal With It

    Arguing: Deal with it word by word looks at the reasons why communication breaks down during arguments and suggests effective ways for young people to manage verbal disputes before they escalate into fullscale conflicts.
    $24.95, Hardcover
    Interest ages: 9+
    Reading level: Grade 6
  • Fighting Deal With It

    Written for students when they need to understand and manage aggression -- their own or someone else's -- in order to avoid getting into physical fights.
    $24.95, Hardcover
    Interest ages: 8-14
    Reading level: Grade 5
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