Adrenaline High

by Christine A. Forsyth

D'Arcy is a newshound who thinks she has found the big scoop when her classmate Zania's mother goes missing. But solving this mystery has the girls in way over their heads.

D'Arcy is a 16-year-old overachiever and a budding newshound. When her classmate Zania's mother goes missing, D'Arcy thinks she's found the mother of all scoops. She's determined to solve the mystery and capture it all on film. But Zania's troubles are no game. She suspects her mother's drug-dealing boyfriend may be behind her sudden disappearance and Zania's too scared to go home. It's not long before the girls realize that they're in over their heads. Adrenaline High is a gripping, fast-paced story for mystery lovers.

About the Author

Christine A. Forsyth

CHRISTINE FORSYTH is a Toronto-based writer and graphic designer. She is the author of several novels in the Lorimer Sports Stories series. Power Hitter and Katie's Midnight Ride are Canadian Children's Book Centre "Our Choice" selections. She is also the author of the Lorimer SideStreets YA novel Adrenaline High.


"[Adrenaline High an enjoyable, fast-paced, lively thriller. The novel also cleverly warns of assumptions we might make without realizing that we're making them. Recommended."

Denise Moore, Hi-Rise

"Refreshing to see girls portrayed as technologically savvy ... Adrenaline High will appeal especially to middle school girls hungering for tension and thrills. Recommended."

Joan Marshall, CM: Canadian Review of Materials

"The writing is lively and the action fast paced..."

Myrna Marler, Kliatt


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