JACK QUARTER is a professor, specialising in the study of co-operatives and other forms of social enterprise, at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education in Toronto. He is the editor of How to Start a Worker Co-op and co-editor (with George Melnyk) of Partners in Enterprise: The Worker Ownership Phenomenon.

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  • Crossing the Line

    The line that divides management and labour is being crossed regularly in Canada as workers become owners of the companies that employ them. This is the first book to describe this phenomenon.
    $19.95, paperback
  • Canada's Social Economy

    The Canadian economy is generally characterized by private enterprise with a small degree of government ownership. Yet this description leaves out a surprisingly large portion of the economy.
    $45.00, hardcover
  • Canada's Social Economy

    The Canadian economy is generally characterized by private enterprise with a small degree of government ownership. Yet this description leaves out a surprisingly large portion of the economy.
    $24.95, paperback
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