Showing all 6 results
Canada vs California
Canada vs California provides a road map of the tense battle between Canadian content and California's billion dollar businesses that threaten to drown it out.
$27.95, paperbackCanada in Afghanistan
How and why Canada went to war in Afghanistan, what Canadians were doing on the ground, and why the effort failed to achieve any of its aims – military, humanitarian, or diplomatic
$27.95, paperbackBlackBerry Town
A new history of the Blackberry innovation that documents how the resources and people of Kitchener-Waterloo supported, facilitated and benefited from the achievement that Blackberry represents$24.95, paperbackThe Tangled Garden
This book explains the breakdown of Canadian cultural industries and outlines that for them to be saved we must adapt cultural policy to the digital age.$24.95, paperbackCultural
A thought-provoking look at Canada's print, sound, image, and new media industries$24.95, paperbackCanada's Cultural Industries
This book examines the state of Canada's cultural industries--book, periodical and newspaper publishing, radio and television broadcasting, sound recording, filmmaking and video production--in the final years of the twentieth century.$35.00, paperbackScroll to Top