Forced Growth

Five Studies of Government Involvement in the Development of Canada

by Philip Mathias

introduction by Abraham Rotstein

Here is the amazing inside story of how unknown European promoters got $92 million from Manitoba governments to build a pulp and paper complex which was then called into receivership by the government and was the subject of a judicial enquiry.
Here is the amazing inside story of how unknown European promoters got $92 million from successive Manitoba governments to build a pulp and paper complex at the The Pas - a complex which was then called into receivership by the government and was the subject of a judicial enquiry.
Philip Mathias first broke the story of Churchill Forest Industries in the pages of the Financial Post . In Forced Growth he gives a full and fascinating account of this often incredible adventure.

About the Authors

Philip Mathias

PHILIP MATHIAS is a former editor of Canadian Forum. He has written widely on business affairs in Canada and in England.(more)

Abraham Rotstein

ABRAHAM ROTSTEIN is a Professor of Economics and Political Science at the University of Toronto.

Subjects (BISAC)


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