Showing 141–160 of 165 results
Beyond the Monetarists
This book is a collection of papers from the Canadian Institute for Economic Policy sponsored Conference on Post-Keynesian Alternatives.$12.95, paperbackHow Ottawa Spends Your Tax Dollars
This study provides in-depth, critical analysis of the 1981 federal expenditures budget.$16.95, paperbackLabour and Capital in Canada 1650-1860
First published in 1981, H. Clare Pentland's Labour and Capital in Canada 1650-1860 is a seminal work that analyzes the shaping of the Canadian working class and the evolution of capitalism in Canada.
$19.95, paperbackCatholics and Canadian Socialism
This work is an impressive study of the attitudes of the Catholic church in Canada towards the challenge of socialism and progressive social change.$16.95, paperbackAlberta Labour
Illustrated with over 90 full-page photographs, most of them never before published, Alberta Labour vividly depicts the working people of Alberta and their unparalleled contribution to the province's history.$29.95, paperbackBusiness and Social Reform in the Thirties
This book challenges the commonly accepted view that governments enacted social reforms in the 1930s in response to demands for more equitable redistribution of wealth in a time of trouble, robbing from the rich to give to the poor.
$16.95, paperbackThe Canadian Fact Book on Poverty
The Fact Book on Poverty clearly indicates certain groups in our society are especially vulnerable to poverty.$35.00, paperbackThe Monetarist Counter-Revolution
First published in 1979, The Monetarist Counter-Revolution is an early and acute criticism of monetarist economic policies as applied in Canada.$14.95, paperbackWe Stood Together
First published in 1979, We Stood Together offers vivid and immediate accounts of the most exciting and influential moments in Canadian labour history.$14.95, paperbackOut of Work
Cy Gonick is one of Canada's leading political economists. In this he explains why unemployment is built into our economy, despite the human hardships it causes.
$35.00, hardcoverCity for Sale
City for Sale is perhaps the most penetrating, myth-shattering analysis ever made of landownership and kindered forces behind a city's development.$29.95, paperbackThe Caribbean Connection
In this book, first published in 1977, Robert Chodos offers a broad-ranging exploration of Canada's Caribbean connection, combining a concern for the broad issues it entails with a perceptive reporter's eye for telling detail.$19.95, paperbackThe Age of Mackenzie King
William Lyon Mackenzie King played a vital role in shaping Canadian politics, economics and international relations from 1900 to the present. His importance is indicated by the energy of Liberal party historians in creating an official version of life.
$16.95, paperbackThe Canadian Fact Book on Poverty
Published in 1975, this pamphlet looks at facts and figures regarding poverty in Canada.$30.00, paperbackLet Us Prey
Adapted from articles originally published in the legendary Last Post magazine, Let Us Prey offers penetrating analyses of Canadian business in the early 1970s.
$14.95, paperbackOn Strike
First published in 1974, On Strike is a seminal work in Canadian labour history.
$24.95, paperbackAnatomy of Big Business
First published in 1962, Anatomy of Big Business was long an influential portrait of power and control in the Canadian corporate economy.$14.95, paperbackGrass Roots
This book is an account of four modern prairie towns, of farming in Western Canada, and also describes how the West was settled and how its small towns are being depopulated by the same external economic forces controlled from Eastern Canada.$19.95, paperbackA History of Canadian Wealth
A landmark revisionist history of Canada, A History of Canadian Wealth remains as lively and startling as it was when first published in 1914.
$14.95, paperbackCorporate Canada
Drawn largely from the pages of the legendary Last Post magazine, Corporate Canada offers a fascinating snapshot of the Canadian economy in the early 1970s.$3.75, paperbackScroll to Top